Earlier this week, I was talking to a good friend. She told me that she's had enough of the cold uncaring hospitality from the people in our cold northern city and is planning on moving down south, where the friendliness of people is as inviting as freshed baked bread with home churned butter swimming on its top.
This thought made me think, why isn't northern hospitality as inviting as the "good 'ol South's?"
For those of you who live in the northern states, think about it, are you really that friendly to strangers? When you're walking down the street do you look a stranger in the eye and say "good morning or afternoon or evening?" Or, do you avert your gaze as not to speak? Why is that?
Don't get me wrong, I'm a Northerner and I'm guilty of not being friendly. I can be as cold as the outside on this February morning, where the snow has put all warmth in a deep, deep sleep. I'm wondering why are we like that.
Does it really hurt if I say good morning to a complete stranger I walk by on a busy street? He or she, won't jump my bones out in public so, what's the harm in bestowing a nice smile, and a nod of the head?
I did a little digging on the subject, [yes, you know I did] and I found some references on Southern hospitality. In Wikipedia: Southern hospitality -- in 1835 Jacob Abbot wrote that southern hospitality was so abundant that the local taverns were of poor quality because they weren't needed by travelers. A stranger could go up to a home and would be greeted. If he was considered to be a gentleman, he would be invited to share a meal and a stay over night. Read More... Can anyone honestly, see something like that happening in this day and age?
I understand why my friend wants to move south. In this big city where we live, if you speak to someone walking along the street, you might get jumped on. You certainly, wouldn't invite a stranger into your house for a meal or to stay over night , you might not wake up in the morning.
So, how do we, here in the north, get some of that southern charm? Well, frankly, I'm not sure how but, I do know where to start. The next time I'm walking down the street and I see a stranger, I'm going to say "good morning, have a nice day" maybe that feeling of niceness will pass on and on and... Or when you go to the store or the gas station, walk up to the clerk and smile and say good morning before they do.
And for crying-out-loud, walk around with a smile, or at least a look of contentment, your face won't break, I promise!
For anybody reading this: Good Morning! I hope you have a great day"
2 Thoughts:
LOL... nice thought for the day.
One thing I can say is: life moves faster in the north and in the larger cities. People have deadlines, assignments, subways, taxis, buses, noise, and pollution to contend with. I can see how people get caught up in life in the big city. Your fears are different in a large metropolitan area than they are in a small town.
When was the last time someone worried about getting mugged on a subway in a small [southern] town?
These things coupled together might be a reason for the coldness.
Here in SoCal... people are a mixed bag. I'm friendly and will speak to someone if they look approachable, otherwise I'm quiet. If my "hi" or "how are you?" isn't reciprocated, it's just awkward. Who like awkward?
Good morning to you Jillian!
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